Book Reading / Wine and Cheese Evening -Thurday 22 August 5.30-7pm
Finding Jasper by Lynne Leonhardt
The Royal WA Historical Society’s Book Shop is hosting a book reading / wine and cheese evening for first-time SW author Lynne Leonhardt.
Lynne Leonhardt will read from her historical fiction novel Finding Jasper, which is based in the South West of Australia and the city of Perth. This beautifully written novel follows three generations of women, from 1939 to the seventies, whose lives were all affected by the absence of Jasper - son, brother, husband and father, who was a pilot in the RAAF during World War II. The reading will be complemented by wine and cheese.
Bookings are essential: Entrance $5 donation at the door.
RSVP to: The Royal WA Historical Society (Inc.)
tel: 9386 3841 email: